Cortisol decreased to a similar extent following carbohydrate and

Cortisol decreased to a similar extent following carbohydrate and lipid meals, despite a drastically different insulin response. While some authors have reported no change in cortisol following a high carbohydrate meal in active and sedentary men [2, 6, 16], others have noted significant increases in cortisol, in particular when compared to meals rich in fat [4, 16]. Martens et al. noted that when healthy men consume a carbohydrate meal consisting of 18% of daily energy requirements, a significant increase in cortisol is observed when compared to a fat and protein meal of similar hedonic values [4]. It has been postulated that this relative increase in cortisol following carbohydrate feeding

occurs due to the ensuing stress resulting from a spike in blood glucose,

and the subsequent rise in serotonin, which then leads to an increase in cortisol [4]. Our findings, as well as those of others [6, 16], do not support an increase in cortisol in healthy men and women consuming a high carbohydrate meal–possibly due to more tightly regulated blood glucose control in a population of healthy individuals. However, Vicennati and colleagues demonstrated an increase in cortisol when women with abdominal obesity consumed a high (89%) carbohydrate meal, as well as after consumption of a mixed protein/lipid meal (43% protein and 53% lipid) in women with peripheral obesity [16]. While we noted no differences in postprandial cortisol response regardless of meal type this website or size, our subjects were young and healthy men and consumed only an isolated morning meal. As with many aspects of human nutrition, differences in subject population

may impact findings. To our knowledge, no other studies have investigated the effects of different macronutrients, provided at different caloric values, on insulin, testosterone, and cortisol. Aside from insulin, which increases significantly in response to carbohydrate but not lipid ingestion, no differences were noted in testosterone or cortisol in response to macronutrient ingestion of different type or meal size. Specifically, PLEK2 both testosterone and cortisol decreased in a pattern that follows the normal diurnal variation in these hormones. As discussed above, our results for cortisol agree with some prior reports, while our selleck products findings for decreased testosterone following meals rich in carbohydrate [2, 10, 11] and fat [14, 17] are also supported. A finding of interest in the present study is the fact that the response for these hormones does not differ based on caloric content of the meal. Although we did not make a direct comparison between our findings with the four meals and those involving a fasting condition, the drop in testosterone (Figure 2) and cortisol (Figure 3) with feeding appears more pronounced than with fasting.

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