Everolimus RAD001 animals were trained on three different States

Or 2 trials with a total of 40 studies Everolimus RAD001 were delivered. The animals were trained on three different States in the first three days of training. Then the animals were trained at the first meeting in the acquisition and the reversal of the meeting. In this state, the animals were first Highest exposed to 3 new objects and allows the selection of the first through successive tests, and then practice for the purposes of this emergency until they reach seven correct answers, this stimulus in 10 consecutive. At this time began the reversal of part of the task, rewardwas now under an initially Highest negative stimuli, and stimulus A is now unarmed. The subjects were allowed to select one object per trial w Until she initially w hlten Highest incentives that now verst RKT. After the animals were treated with the M Possibility of reversal testing until they have passed at least seven good decisions on the 10 consecutive or 2 20 tests made. For both phases of the acquisition and research of the inversion, the maximum number of trials was set to 10, select if the issue is not w Wanted the item within 10 verst Markets studies, it was on 10 permits the study of objects as n TIG move until it finds the reward. Dependence of Ma took ngig collected in each session: 1, the number of errors before the first selection of the correct object in the research phase of the required 2 Acquisition, ben CONFIRMS the number of attempts to take the test after the first purchase right choice, 3 the number of errors before the first selection of the correct object in the research phase inversion and 4 the number of attempts ben CONFIRMS to achieve the criteria for the reversal after the first correct choice required. After the initial exposure period, the acquisition session in the construction and inversion t Resembled repeated with a new set of objects to the regular subjects Ig led by the acquisition and inversion criteria to a T Adjusted basis. Date of 3E9 required training. 2.4. Object retrieval / detour n HIGHEST task, the animals were exposed to basis risk of the object retrieval / detour task. In this task, a clear plexiglass cube is fitted with an open face on the board. Rewards are in the cube through the open face that can be steered to the right or to k Or left of the monkeys used. In addition, the position can be varied of the cube on the plate. The key to this problem is that when the open side is directed toward the monkey, he simply follows his vision to get the reward. However, when the open side facing left or right and the reward is set deep in the cubes, the animal does get the reward of him before, but must be around the transparent barrier to retrieve it. Therefore, there is a conflict between its sensory input and knowledge of the stain. Negotiate, without training, all monkeys directly liked to the transparent side, t as the barrier. But over time, controls the Fludarabine monkey Acquire the F Ability to negotiate quickly in order to get the barrier to their wage, w During chronic PCP-treated monkeys difficulty in obtaining these F Have ability. At a basic single session, the animals were exposed to a total of 10 rescue / bend tests. Of these 10 tests, four direct access one Opening, in which.

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