Monthly Archives: June 2020

The patients non responders to the long-tube and conservative tre

The patients non responders to the long-tube and conservative treatment Ro 61-8048 within 72 hours have a considerable risk of recurrent ASBO (Level of Evidence 2b GoR C). Risk factors for recurrences are age

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For each species, I recorded the threatening processes affecting

For each species, I recorded the threatening processes affecting them, the conservation actions that were proposed by the species’ experts in the Red List assessments (proposed) and the conservation actions reported to have been undertaken on these species already (implemented). … Continue reading

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5 nm, PDI ~ 0 42) is approximately 6% larger than the particle si

5 nm, PDI ~ 0.42) is approximately 6% larger than the particle size of CSNPs. As a consequence, it could be assumed that the significantly increased size of the ASNase II-loaded CSNPs (approximately 333 ± 12.5 nm, PDI ~ 0.47) estimated through TEM and also through DLS (approximately … Continue reading

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1999; Johnson et al 2000; Konermann et al 2008) In the first s

1999; Johnson et al. 2000; Konermann et al. 2008). In the first step, the gas is adsorbed onto the surface of the membrane; in the second step the analyte molecules enter the membrane (permeation); and the third step is desorption … Continue reading

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Moreover, the Carboxy-terminal HD domain of the E coli tRNA nucl

Moreover, the Carboxy-terminal HD domain of the E. coli tRNA nucleotidyltransferase has a metal-independent phosphodiesterase activity toward 2′, 3′cAMP [35]. Thus, the fact that SpdA displays metal-independent 2′, 3′cNMP-phosphodiesterase activity is not completely unprecedented. Mass spectrometric measurements performed under mild … Continue reading

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This was compared with non-expressing and HBx mutant expressing c

This was compared with non-PRT062607 nmr expressing and HBx mutant expressing cell lysates. Wang and co-workers [47] developed a fairly simple and effective assay to monitor DNA repair in vitro. This assay relies on the repair synthesis of a … Continue reading

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J Nutr 2008, 138:908–913 PubMed 8 Rajaram S, Connell KM, Sabaté

J Nutr 2008, 138:908–913.PubMed 8. Rajaram S, Connell KM, Sabaté J: Effect of almond-enriched high-monounsaturated fat diet on selected markers of inflammation: a randomised, controlled, check details crossover study. Br J Nutr 2010, 103:907–912.PubMedCrossRef 9. Mandalari G, Bisignano C, Genovese … Continue reading

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anthracis colonies; VC: carried out statistical analysis; LM: col

anthracis colonies; VC: carried out statistical analysis; LM: collaborated to the experimental studies conducted in ABL3 facilities; DB: collaborated to the experimental studies conducted in ABL3 facilities; CP: prepared all media for culturing and isolation of B. anthracis; RA: revised … Continue reading

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2010;56:196–202 PubMedCrossRef 39 Zhang Y, Zhang X, Liu L, Zanch

2010;56:196–202.PubMedCrossRef 39. Zhang Y, Zhang X, Liu L, Zanchetti A. Is a systolic blood pressure target

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J Appl Physiol 1973, 34:299–303 PubMed 15 Von Duvillard SP, Brau

J Appl Physiol 1973, 34:299–303.PubMed 15. Von Duvillard SP, Braun WA, Markofski M, Beneke R, Leithäuser R: Fluids and hydration in prolonged endurance performance. Nutrition 2004, 20:651–656.PubMedCrossRef 16. Hernandez AJ, Nahas RM: Dietary changes, water replacement, food supplements and drugs: … Continue reading

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