001) Among electrophysiological findings, compound muscle action

001). Among electrophysiological findings, compound muscle action potential amplitude was significantly lower in hands with a LANSS score >= 12 compared with hands with a LANSS

score, 12 (P = 0.020). Severity of CTS was not significantly different between LANSS >= 12 and LANSS, 12 groups. Electrophysiological severity was significantly higher in CTS hands with evoked pain (P = 0.005) and allodynia (P < 0.001) in LANSS subscore analysis.

Conclusion: We suggest that the presence of pain dominated by neuropathic mechanisms in CTS is not related to electrophysiological CTS severity. Neuropathic pain should be assessed carefully in patients with CTS, and an appropriate treatment plan should be chosen, taking into account CA-4948 molecular weight the clinical and electrophysiological findings together with the true pain classification.”
“Background: Antineoplastic agents have been associated with major concerns among health professionals. The objective of our study was to evaluate the knowledge,

attitudes and beliefs of Cypriot ZD1839 research buy nurses on their exposure to antineoplastic agents.

Methods: A cross-sectional survey using a self-administered questionnaire was distributed among oncology nurses in three hospitals in Nicosia. The questionnaire was originally compiled by Turk et al., in order to evaluate the knowledge, attitudes and safe behaviours of nurses’ handling cytotoxic drugs and was translated from Turkish to Greek by two bilingual volunteers.

Results: A total of 88 nurses participated in the survey (20 male and 68 female). The mean age of the nurses was 33 years (age range 21-60). The majority of nurses were aware of the potential hazards associated Emricasan in vivo with handling of chemotherapy. The mean score of the participants’ knowledge was 79.43 out of 100. Most of the participants reported high levels of compliance with the use of personal protective equipment such as gloves and protective gown (95.4%, and 84.5%) during reconstitution of antineoplastic agents, respectively. Almost all nurses

(98.8%) reported use of a safety cabinet during preparation, however only 53.4% reported that they have annual medical checkups and only 33% reported having received specialized training.

Conclusion: While the level of knowledge about antineoplastic agents is high among nurses, along with the level of personal protective equipment use, medical surveillance and employee training seems to be lagging behind. Further research may help us identify the reasons for such discrepancy. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.”
“Background: Cognitive theorists relate anxiety disorders to the way in which emotional information is processed. The existing research suggests that patients with anxiety disorders tend to allocate their attention toward threat-related information selectively, and this may differ among different types of anxious subjects.

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