A 10 mmHg increase in BP had a significantly elevated RR for CV e

A 10 mmHg increase in BP had a significantly elevated RR for CV events (RR 2.00). Several studies using ambulatory or home BP monitoring in HD patients support the concepts that ambulatory BP and mortality are strongly related. Amar et al. [22] reported that nocturnal BP and 24-h pulse pressure were independent predictors of CV mortality in 57 treated hypertensive HD patients (34 ± 20 months). Tripepi et al. [23] analyzed

the prognostic power of 24-h ambulatory BP monitoring for all-cause and CV mortality in 168 nondiabetic, event-free HD patients (38 ± 22 months). The ratio of the average systolic BP during the night and day (night/day systolic ratio) used to indicate the nocturnal fall in BP was associated with all-cause and CV mortality. find more Moriya et al. [24] reported that WAB could be a good prognostic marker of the incidence of both CV events and all-cause mortality in 96 HD patients (35 months). Recently, Agarwal [11] evaluated the presence, strength, and shape of the relationship between BP measured using FAK inhibitor different modalities (home, ambulatory, and dialysis unit) and all-cause mortality among 326

HD patients (32 ± 20 months). Out-of-dialysis unit BP was reported as prognostically more informative than that recorded just before and after dialysis. The role of hypertension as a risk factor for increased CV events in the general population is indisputable. However, a lot of studies have shown an association between low BP and increased mortality, or have shown a U-shaped relationship, with both low and high BP associated with increased RR of death [25–27]. These paradoxical observations have been referred to as “reverse epidemiology” [28]. As the etiology of this inverse association between conventional risk factors and clinical outcome is not clear, presence of malnutrition and inflammation Liothyronine Sodium may explain the existence of reverse epidemiology in dialysis patients. In the https://www.selleckchem.com/products/bx-795.html present study, patients who were recently hospitalized or sick were excluded. All of the patients in the present study had hypertension, nor pre- and postdialysis hypotension. Thus, this study differed in its

recruitment criteria compared with previous studies which have analyzed all patients in the dialysis unit regardless of their level of illness. In the present statistical evaluation, age did not contribute to the onset of CV events. Several reasons are considered to explain this phenomenon. First, the observation period was likely short to evaluate CV events. Second, patients in the present study had not experienced previous CV diseases. Third, few fatal events occurred, probably due to their healthy condition for dialysis patients. All of the patients in the present study had been prescribed one or more antihypertensive agents: 49 (100%) were on CCBs, 28 (57.1%) were on ARBs, 15 (30.6%) were on alpha blockers, and 3 (6.

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