Cap interferes with TNF-α mRNA transcription and exerts an inhibi

Cap interferes with TNF-α mRNA transcription and exerts an inhibiting effect on TNF-α release from macrophages in the early phase after LPS stimulation. Thus, Cap is considered a potent agent for the treatment of TNF-α-related diseases, such selleck as septicemia. The authors thank Maruishi Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. for the gift of Cap. “
“The diverse

deleterious health effects upon exposure to heavy metals in the environment are a matter of serious concern and a global issue. Lead is the most abundant toxic metal in the environment [1]. Lead occurs naturally in the environment. However, most of the high levels found throughout the environment come from human activities. Environmental levels of lead have increased more than 1,000-fold over the past three centuries as a result of human activity. The greatest increase occurred between the years 1950 and 2000, and reflected increasing worldwide use of leaded gasoline [2]. Lead does not have any detectable beneficial biological role, however on the contrary its detrimental effect on physiological, biochemical and behavioral dysfunctions have been documented in animals and humans by several investigators [3] and [4]. Lead is a male reproductive toxicant [5]. Toxicity is manifested in male reproductive function by deposition of lead in testes, epididymis,

vas deferens, seminal vesicle and seminal ejaculate. Lead has an adverse effect on sperm count, sperm motility and retarded the activity of spermatozoa [6]. The effect BMS 354825 of lead on testis is still a matter of controversy where exposure to low dose of lead was found to arrest spermatogenesis [7] or to have no effect [8]. The mechanism of lead-induced oxidative stress involves an imbalance between generation 5-Fluoracil purchase and removal of ROS (reactive oxygen species) in tissues and cellular components causing damage to membranes, DNA and proteins [1]. Lead is reported to cause oxidative stress by generating the release of reactive oxygen species (ROS) such as superoxide radicals, hydrogen peroxide and hydroxyl radicals and lipid peroxides [9]. Lead acetate enhances lipid peroxidation and nitric oxide production in both serum

and testes with concomitant reduction in antioxidant enzymes as catalase and superoxide dismutase [10]. The androgen receptor (AR) plays a key role in androgen action. In the male reproductive system, the testis and epididymis are major targets of androgen action, and androgen is critical for maintenance of spermatogenesis and secretory function in epididymal epithelial cells [11]. Caspases are a family of genes important for maintaining homeostasis through regulating cell death and inflammation [12]. There has been increased interest among phytotherapy researchers to use medicinal plants with antioxidant activity for protection against heavy metal toxicity [9]. Cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum), a medicinal plant belongs to Luaraceae family. This plant has many therapeutic effects.

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