Here, the first principal component explained 59% of the variance

Here, the first principal component explained 59% of the variance and the first ten components 84%. Several of these principal components again displayed sig nificant associations with latency in the Active CD4, Resting CD4 and Central Memory CD4 samples but no significant correlations in the Bcl 2 transduced CD4 or Jurkat samples. A logistic regression of expression status on the first ten principal components and sample did not reduce misclassification Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries error from a base model including only sample in 480 fold cross val idation. This suggests that acetylation of neighbor ing chromatin does not exert strong effects on latency in all samples. Clustering We reasoned that if there was a strong relationship between latency and chromosomal position, then integra tion sites that are near one another on the same chro mosome should share the same expression status more often than expected by chance.

Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries To test this, we compared how often pairs of proviruses shared the same expres sion status in relation to the distance between the two sites. Pairs of sites Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries with little distance between integration locations did share the same expression sta tus more often than expected by chance. Break ing out the data to separate between sample and within sample pairings showed that this matching was limited to neighbors within the same experimental model, emphasizing that chromosomal environment does appear to influence latency, but the factors involved differ among experimental models of latency. Discussion Here we compared the latency status of HIV 1 proviruses in five model systems with the genomic features surround ing their integration sites.

Surprisingly, no relationships between genomic features near the integration location and Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries latency achieved significance in all models. Proviruses from the same cellular model integrated in nearby posi tions did share the same latency status much more often than predicted by chance, indicating the existence of local features influencing latency, but these were not consistent among models. This suggests that whatever features are affecting latency are highly local and model specific, and that we may not have access to all relevant chromosomal features. In addition to differences in experimental conditions, methodological issues have the potential to obscure pat terns.

Examples Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries include multiply infected may cells, inacti vated viruses and inaccurate assessment of HIV gene activityeach of these are discussed below. A latent provirus integrated into the same cell as an expressed provirus will be erroneously sorted as expressed, potentially confounding analysis. A low mul tiplicity of infection will help to avoid this prob lem, but there is still the potential for a significant proportion of the cells studied to contain multiple inte grations.

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