Luteolin Luteolol E cancer in CRPC means an incurable disease, the treatment

Uthors financial Entsch Excuse for the creation of the article. Re 29th U April 2010, 15th edition June 2010, Accepted 15th June, 2010 Copyright 2010 © Neoplasia Press, Inc. All rights reserved 1522 8002/10 Luteolin Luteolol / $ 25.00 DOI 10.1593/neo.10610 Volume 12 Number www ninth September 2010 p 685 696 685 of prostate cancer. What other drugs in clinical development for the potential activity of t CRPC have metastasis to bones go Ren-src kinase inhibitors, or endothelin-A receptor. The purpose of this study was to investigate the r Of the bone markers in the management of the CRPC and the development and optimization of targeted therapy of bone. Biology of bone metastases, bone metastases are the hours Ufigsten located in areas well supplied with blood skeleton, such as the vertebra Column, C Your Sch Del and proximal ends of the long R Bone lead.
In normal bone remodeling process in the balance, however, is the presence of tumor cells, the process that Knochenl Emissions that detectable by rt R Ntgenaufnahmen or bone XL147 scan are caused st. The L Emissions resulting from an imbalance between bone resorption mediated by osteoclast and osteoblast-mediated bone formation. The osteoclasts in the Knochenoberfl Surface and resorb bone matrix by secretion of proteases and S acids Liable, and in turn to One is, osteoblasts secrete mineralized collagen fibrils closing Lich is the bone. However, there was talk about this between tumor cells and bone microenvironment Not an imbalance in the remodeling process, which pathologically to a vicious circle.
In particular, tumor cells secrete factors that stimulate osteoclastic bone destruction to Tion, and the factors that have been immobilized in the bone matrix are released, the F Promotion of the growth of cancer cells and f Rdern bone loss. Based on the R Ntgenbild are Knochenl Osteolytic lesions in general than, or osteoblasts called sclerotic or mixed. In prostate cancer bone metastases are predominantly osteoblastic, however, the high bone turnover and thus bone resorption in excess also characteristic. Skeletal-related events due to their high frequency in CRPC, bone metastases are responsible for a significant proportion of the morbidity t of patients, known mostly through complications such as skeletal-related events. Bone tumor associated lack the structural integrity T of the normal bone and is thus intrinsically black Chere, which then causes only a high risk for pathologic fracture.
Bone metastases k Can also cause bone pain, intermittent or constant. Metastases in the vertebra Column columnmay also lead to spinal cord / nerve root compression. Patients with bone metastases require h Frequently palliative radiotherapy or surgery to bone. Unlike other b Sartigen diseases such as breast cancer, is rarely Hyperkalz Chemistry in patients with prostate cancer. SRE reduce fa Are significant improvement in Lebensqualit t in terms of health and lead to high costs for medical care, and patients to develop pathological fractures decreased survival duration compared with patients without fracture. In a study in 442 M Nnern with advanced prostate cancer, which saw about one-third an SRE before study entry, 49% experienced at least one SRE w During the study, and 31% experienced two or more SRE, noting that Patients at high risk for multiple SRE and the importance of reducing the incidence of bone complications. Treatment options for patients with bone metastases CRPC Because the progression of prostate cancer

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