Others are related to chromatin accessibility, for example, DNase

Others are related to chromatin accessibility, for example, DNase I hypersensitive sites sequencing (DNase-Seq).In soybean, DNA methylation and histone modification are revealed to be important in response to salt or salinity stress [75, 76]. 6.4. PhenomePhenotype is a general concept describing observable biological characteristics opposite to the genotype. As analytic techniques sellckchem improve, phenotypes can be observed at molecular, cellular, organismal, or even population levels. The phenome generally stands for all phenotypes of an organism or a population observed. High-quality phenotypic information is so crucial for all analyses related to gene identifications, GWAS, and functional genomic and molecular breeding.The size of a population is dependent on research purpose, for example, GWAS analysis needs a large population of over thousand individuals [70].

The accurate quantitative contents of many physiological active metabolites, for example, ��-linolenic acid and isoflavones, in seed or other tissue, are fundamental for all genetic or genomic analysis.7. Germplasm ResourceThe United States Department of Agriculture National Plant Germplasm System has a collection of over 500,000 germplasm accessions including soybean and other species. In China, recently, a platform for soybean molecular breeding based on core collections of soybean germplasm has been established [77]. As soybean is on the list of energy crops, worldwide demands have been increased beyond the protein, oil, and physiological compounds.

However, the speed of yield increase per hectare per year is far behind that of rice and maize; soybean growing area has been shrinking shapely in China. Meanwhile, the domestic demand for soybean has increased steadily year by year, leading China to be the biggest soybean import country in the world. Chinese researchers are realizing the power of molecular breeding by design by launching several research nationwide projects in order to improve the lower efficiency of traditional breeding method for good quality and high yield.8. Conclusion and Future ProspectiveRelative soybean complexity made soybean genome sequencing and assembling difficult several years ago; however, as tremendous progress has been made in sequencing technology, soybean genome (1.1-gigabase) was reconsidered as a reasonable genome size.

In consideration of nutritional and physiological contents as well as seeds that can be used as the platform for ectopic expression of recombinant protein, soybean has possibly Carfilzomib been regarded as a new model crop for studying the genomic duplication, gene evolution, and functional diversification. The wild soybeans are greatly different from modern cultivars in terms of flowering gene network, resistance to salt or disease, and nutritional contents.

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