In addition, weekly means for nicotine withdrawal were computed a

In addition, weekly means for nicotine withdrawal were computed at Weeks 52 and 53. The change in nicotine withdrawal from Week 52 (end of medication) to Week 53 was compared between treatment groups using the two-sample rank-sum test to assess whether discontinuation of bupropion had an effect on nicotine withdrawal. The HDRS was completed at randomization and at Weeks 10, Crizotinib IC50 12, 16, 20, 24, 52, 53, and 76. For each case, we examined changes in total HDRS scores. HDRS scores were analyzed using repeated measures ANOVA. To supplement this analysis, the mean change in total HDRS scores for each group was compared with 0 at each timepoint using the signed-rank test and compared between groups using the two-sample rank-sum test.

To test the hypothesis that discontinuing use of bupropion is associated with changes in depression, the two-sample rank-sum test was used to compare groups with respect to the change in total HDRS scores from Weeks 52 to 53 and from Weeks 52 to 76. The participant’s weight was recorded at each visit throughout the randomized, double-blind medication phase. Change in body weight from randomization was analyzed for all subjects using repeated measures ANOVA. If subjects relapsed to tobacco, their data were excluded from the analysis following their date of relapse. In addition, change in body weight was analyzed among participants who remained abstinent through the end of the randomized, double-blind medication phase (Week 52) and through the follow-up phase (Week 76) using the two-sample rank-sum test.

Additionally, medication and study visit schedule adherence were compared between groups using the two-sample rank-sum test and the chi-square test as appropriate. In all cases, two-sided p values of .050 or less were considered statistically significant. Results Patch phase A total of 195 participants were enrolled in the open-label patch phase of this study. The participants were on average 43.8 years old (SD=9.4, range=20�C75) and 23% were female. Participants smoked an average of 29.9 cigarettes/day (SD=11.8, range=10�C80). Among study participants, 74% had FTND scores of 7 or higher. Participants had a mean ADS score of 21.7 (SD = 7.7), indicating relatively severe levels of prior alcohol dependence. Dacomitinib Overall, 12% met DSM-IV criteria for a history of major depressive disorder. The mean HDRS score was within the normal range; 95.3% of participants had a score of 10 or less, whereas 4.7% had a score of 11�C19. At baseline, participants had mean serum cotinine concentrations of 299.5 ng/ml (SD = 112.6, range=96�C806).

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