JAK inhibitor in clinical trials were introduced in 2002 and final results were in acute Ver

Fung, prevent or galvanized Like the progression of BPH.47 Mtops randomized 3047 M Men under 50 JAK inhibitor in clinical trials years with symptoms of moderate to severe BPH AUASS who had not been based medical, surgical, or experimental BPH in one of four groups : doxazosin alone, finasteride alone, placebo, and the combination of finasteride and doxazosin. BPH events were the incidence of invasive treatment of BPH, Qmax Ver Change and Ver Measured change in AUASS in each group. The first results of the MTOPS were introduced in 2002 and final results were in acute Ver 2004.4 The 5-year retention rate Published Urine and invasive surgery was significantly h Forth in the doxazosin and placebo group compared with the finasteride and mixed groups. Were changes in AUASS and Qmax at h Chsten in the combination group at 4 years.
The doxazosin group had something h Ver ago Changes in Qmax and AUASS the finasteride group, but both were significantly better than placebo. Investigators have gone further and evaluated whether a reference Isoliquiritigenin inhibitor parameter predicted BPH progression. In their analysis predicts a AUASS over 17 BPH progression and increased Hte rate of BPH-related treatment in all groups. Gr He predicts 1.6 ng / ml PSA, and total symptoms in BPH progression doxazosin group, acute urinary retention in all groups and BPH-related therapy with doxazosin and mixed groups, but not in the finasteride group. TRUS volume gr He predicts over 31 ml of acute urinary retention in groups of doxazosin and finasteride, but not in the new group. They concluded that the basic parameters of gr Are compared erem value in predicting progression in the doxazosin group of finasteride and mixed groups.
These results and the results Pless VER Changed the paradigm of medical treatment. Two different purposes of medical treatment are now on hand to treat the symptoms of BPH and preventing progression of BPH treated. The symptoms CI-1040 are k Can treated with selective antagonists of alpha-adrenergic receptors and long-term therapy inhibitor 5-alpha reductase, or combination therapy, w appear Avoid during a 5-alpha reductase inhibitors to the progression of BPH. In the early 21 Century, the 5-alpha reductase therapy is to prevent progression of BPH, and is a real alternative to alpha-blocker or combination therapy to treat the symptoms Mine. Table 3 summarizes data from several clinical studies that the use of inhibitors of 5-alpha reductase as monotherapy or in combination therapy evaluated.
Pless and MTOPS studies, and recent data on dutasteride, clearly demonstrate that treatment with an inhibitor of 5 alpha-reductase reduces the risk of acute retention Urine and BPH related surgery.3, 4.40 These tests confirm to and that the progression of BPH with PSA is associated with green values He than 1.4 to 1.6 ng / ml lead a significant h higher risk for BPH related events.3 has 4 Gr e base of the prostate similar consequences. Are prostate volume of 30 to 40 ml with distinctly Higher rates of BPH related events.3, 4 and Qmax improvement AUASS with inhibitors of 5-alpha reductase associated placebo.3 differs significantly from that show 4.40 Extensions GE open from early tests, the results of finasteride are sustainable without erh increase the adverse

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