The ΔΔCT method was used to calculate the relative expression of the gene of interest in the mutant in comparison to the mean of
its expression in the other three mutants. Normalisation was obtained by measuring the expression of 16S rRNA gene RG7112 as reference gene. Random mutagenesis by illegitimate recombination 1 μg of plasmid pYUB854 DNA was double digested with restriction enzymes StuI and SpeI Fast digest at 37°C for 30 min. The 2030 bp linear DNA fragment carrying the Hygr gene was gel-eluted after electrophoresis and 3–6 μg linear DNA fragment was transformed into M. avium strains by Cell Cycle inhibitor electroporation with the Biorad GenePulser apparatus applying 1000 Ω, 25 μF and 1.25 kV in 1 mm gap cuvettes. The preparation of electrocompetent cells and electroporation were performed using standard protocols [36]. Plasmid pMN437 was used as positive control for transformation [37]. Electroporated bacteria were incubated
at 37°C for 24 hours (h) before plating on selective plates. Potential mutants were characterised by PCR amplifying a part of the Hygr gene [primers Hyg 2 K LC FW (5´-AGT TCC TCC GGA TCG GTG AA-3´) and Hyg 2 K LC BW (5´-AGG TCG TCC CGG AAC TGC TGC G-3´)], Southern blotting, reverse PCR (primers Hyg mut 1 and Hyg mut 2) and sequencing. Saracatinib chemical structure Construction of a complemented derivative of mutant MAV_3128 Primers MAV3128_MV306_1 (5´-CGG TCT AGA CTA TGC CTA CCT GCT CTC-3´) and MAV3128_MV306_2 (5´-GCA GTT AAC see more CTA ATG CGG CTT GGC CAG-3´) were designed to amplify the gene MAV_3128 (3227 bp) plus 680 bp of upstream sequence of the wild type with pfu polymerase from
Fermentas. The amplified product was cloned into the restriction sites XbaI and HpaI respectively of the integrative vector pMV306 [38]. The recombinant plasmid pFKaMAV3128 was transformed into E. coli DH5α by a method already described by Hanahan [39]. The plasmid pFKaMAV3128 was then introduced into competent cells of mutant MAV_3128 by electroporation. PCR analyses with the primer pair MAV3128_MV306_1 and 2 confirmed the presence of wild type gene in the mutant MAV_3128. Screening for virulence-mutants Amoeba Plate Test (APT) The APT was previously described [40]. In short, known concentrations of Acanthamoeba castellanii (1BU group II strain) diluted in PYG medium were spread on MB agar plates and these plates served as test plates. For control plates only PYG medium without amoeba was spread on MB agar plates. Plates were dried and incubated at room temperature. The next day series of tenfold dilution (1:10, 1:100, and 1:1000) in sterile water were prepared from cultures of the mutants and the M. avium 104 wild type (WT). 3 μl of undiluted culture and of each dilution were spotted onto the test and control agar plates. Plates were then incubated at 30°C for one week. Mutants showing reduced growth on test plates compared to the control plates were selected for further molecular characterisation.
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