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BCKDHB Cheng) participated in its design and coordination and helped to draft the manuscript. All authors read and GSK2245840 approved the final manuscript.”
“Background Amorphous calcium carbonate (ACC) has attracted increasing interest as a result of its potential use in biomimetic and industrial applications. However, it is a transient precursor phase to crystalline modification [1–4], so it is difficult to obtain in vitro. Stabilizing amorphous precusors is one of the major issues in biomineralization studies [5]. Moreover, people had been trying to add process-directing agents during the nucleation stage. Additives such as phosphorproteins [6], aspartic acid [7], and ployacrylic acid (PAA) [5] have been proved to act as stabilizers for ACC. In addition, researchers have also tried other inorganic substances, with the result that spherical ACC accompanied by vaterite or calcite was obtained [8]. The reason ACC is unstable under ambient conditions is because of its large interfacial energy.
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